
report: bruxelles

The moules are that good.

The frites are that good. Especially at 5am. Someone seriously needs let the california burrito people know about the frites people.

The beer is that good, and there is that much of it.

They really do have the waffles, except they’re sweeter and gooeyer. More of a dessert than a breakfast snack.

The chocolate is, well, mostly untried. I bought some but have no idea how representational it is. Not as excited as I was the first time I had Reubens or Chuao, but I live where they have kickass chocolate at every grocery store.

They have a sandwich called a mitraillette, which literally means machine gun, and can best be described to my Normal friends as a sandwich from Subconscious but with fries and a fried hamburger INSIDE the sandwich. To my non-Normal friends, it is a huge piece of french bread cut in half with the following inside:

  • The aforementioned burger patty & fries.
  • An entire head of lettuce, shredded.
  • About a pint of your choice of 5 spice-enhanced mayonnaises.
  • One Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure machine.
  • Aux herbes aux spices.
  • Unidentified other meat thing(s).
  • The blood of the innocent.
  • One Croc, the rubber shoe that is taking my feet by storm.

God damn why can’t the University of Zürich be in Belgium?

I make photo here. In unprecedented move of actually paying for something, I have upgrade to pro account. I not know what it does good for other than support service I like, but sheeee.

Does anyone know how to get download all your flickr photos in full size in batch? In other words, can I just upload every photo I have ever had for archival purposes and download them all later if my local copy explodes?